Teaching and Learning with Rising Waters
A Conference of the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities at Perry World House and the Wolf Humanities Center

Penn Program in Environmental Humanities is convening “Teaching and Learning with Rising Waters” from May 9 - 11, 2019. This conference is co-hosted with the Perry World House and the Wolf Humanities Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Gathering researchers, teachers, artists, and students of all ages hailing from diverse and differently vulnerable communities, we will explore how we can develop and use transdisciplinary methods of inquiry to learn, teach, and live with rising waters and how we might work collaboratively to develop new educational tools. Since 2016, PPEH has piloted on-water teaching and learning engagements under the banner of the Schuylkill River Research Corps, including the On-Water Research Intensive in June 2018, as well as the ongoing three-year program, Rising Waters: Philadelphia and Mumbai, funded by a Making a Difference in Diverse Communities award. This convening brings these and other initiatives based in the Delaware watershed into dialogue with scientists, humanists, and artists working on, around, in, and with the Hudson, Passaic, Susquehanna, and Mississippi Rivers, in North America, as well as with others working on waters on five continents. Research presentations alternate with artists talks, screenings, literary readings, and public performances. We anticipate that this gathering will nurture public research and creative engagements spanning the sciences and the arts, natures and cultures, across water bodies and watersheds. We hope you will join in.
Download the event poster here.
Interested in getting involved? Email director(at)ppehlab(dot)org.