Patricia Eunji Kim

Patricia Eunji Kim is a PhD Candidate in the History of Art at the University of Pennsylvania, where she specializes in the art and archaeology of the late Classical and Hellenistic Greek worlds. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of California, Berkeley in Near Eastern Archaeology and the History of Art. 

Her research interests include representations of gender and the body, dynastic and royal art, and issues of cross-cultural interaction throughout the Hellenistic world. Her dissertation, "Engendering Power: Dynastic Women and Visual Culture in the Hellenistic World (4th-1st c BCE)"considers these issues through fresh perspectives. Additionally, her academic and advocacy work includes contributions to conversations in cultural heritage, environmental humanities, and digital humanities.

She was also a 2015-16 graduate fellow and 2016-17 Program Coordinator of the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities (PPEH). She is currently one of the co-organizers of Data Refuge and Data Refuge Stories, through which she is currently exploring issues of open data, climate change, and cultural and natural heritage.